Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tuesday Quick Links: Random, Random, Random!

The Masked Downloader could not think of a unifying theme for this motley collection of MP3 podcasts. It's really all over the place. I'm sorry. I'll try to work on my focus. I think it may be time for a new mask...

--Podcast Beyond is a new series for devotees of the Sony Playstation and PSP. It's a large file (about 50 MB) chock full of chatter about the latest Playstation happenings.

--BBC movie reviewer Mark Kermode makes Simon Cowell look like Mother Teresa. For some viciously funny (and very smart) reviews of the latest Hollywood movies, check out this page, where you can download his latest reviews. Warning: you'll probably get addicted.

--Good Dog! is a podcast that focuses on all aspects of dog training and behavior. A really well-done show with professional-level hosting and interviewing. The latest episode focuses on dog food safety in the wake of the tainted pet food scare. You can listen to the shows on the site, but no direct downloads are offered; you have to subscribe to the 'cast via iTunes.

--Psychjourney is a podcast series focusing on self-help, recovery, addiction and related issues. The subject matter is actually quite wide-open; just peruse through the latest episodes and you'll see what we mean.

--The latest episode of SciFi Dig is up, and Aaron tackles "The Spirit, Arrogant Bastard Ale, sunscreen, ABC's Caveman and the Babylon 5 episode Hunter, Prey." Well, what more could you ask for??

--A podcast of nothing but old radio episodes of Dragnet. Folks, it does not get much cooler than this -- listen to vintage Jack Webb perfecting his Joe Friday routine years before he made it to TV. Frankly, I enjoy the radio episodes much more than the mid-1960s incarnation, which by that time had become incredibly square, preachy and hokey. But the radio show -- ahhh, that's a different creature: tough, uncompromising, gritty. It was the NYPD Blue of its day, believe it or not. And yes, this is why they invented the Internet.

--I missed this one in my roundup of Buddhist podcasts a few days ago: a podcast series from the Windhorse Zen community. The latest podcast is a talk entitled "Mind Like Water," which sounds good to me. A very nicely done series, worth checking out if you liked my previous post.

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